Safety and Reliability for Businesses
Keeping Your Business Energized
Learn how to keep your employees and your property safe from electric or gas hazards during construction or weather emergencies. Discover what we're doing to modernize the power grid and how utility work may impact your local area.
Storm Safety
When bad weather is on the horizon, planning ahead can help reduce business interruptions that may occur from power outages, downed electric lines, or flooding.
Let the pros at PSE&G help prepare your business for extreme weather events. Read our expert advice on how to minimize damage to your facilities and equipment, and how to keep your employees safe while doing so.
Register for My Alerts
At PSE&G, we view ourselves as your business partner—and the best partnerships involve effective two-way communication.
That's why we've developed a fast and efficient way for you to get in touch with us any time you need to. When you sign up for MyAlerts, you can report an outage in a matter of seconds and then get restoration updates by text or email. You can also pay your bill, get a payment reminder, or check your balance. Find out how MyAlerts can help your business.