Stay Updated About Outages
When the Power is Out, You Want to Know One Thing...
When is it coming back?That's why we've provided multiple ways to check the status of your outage and find out your Estimated Time of Restoration (ETR).
What to Expect From an Estimated Time of Restoration
An Estimated Time of Restoration (ETR) is the amount of time PSE&G predicts it will take to restore your power after an outage.
When you report an outage to PSE&G, you will receive a system-generated ETR based on historical outage data. These estimates typically range from two to eight hours. As more information becomes available, we may update your ETR.
After a major weather event, such as a severe storm, hurricane or blizzard, PSE&G will provide the following:
- A Global ETR, which is an estimate of when all power in PSE&G’s service territory will be restored. This will be provided within 24 hours after the weather event leaves PSE&G’s service territory. Keep in mind that, damage assessments may not yet be complete at this stage, so the Global ETR could change as more information becomes available. The Global ETR may be longer than the typical two to eight hours.
- After the damage assessment is complete, PSE&G will issue more-accurate Individual ETRs. These ETRs will be provided within 48 hours for outages that are expected to last up to seven days; within 72 hours for outages expected to last eight to ten days; and within 96 hours for outages expected to last ten days or longer.
Choose How You Want to Stay Updated
Go to our Outage Center
You'll learn:
- Where the power is out in specific towns and counties
- The number of people affected by the outage
- Range of ETRs for different areas
Get updates through My Account
You'll learn:
- The current status of your outage
- Updated ETRs for your outage
Get updates via our Mobile App
Download our app and log in using your My Account password:
- Track and report an outage
- Report wire and tree damages when reporting outage
- Report outages as a guest
Text STAT to 47734
You'll learn:
- The current status of your outage
Get updates via email
You'll learn:
- When there is an outage in your area
- Your ETR, plus ETR updates
- When your power has been restored
Like Us/Follow Us
Follow us on Facebook or Twitter for important tips and info.
Call 1-800-436-7734
You'll learn:
- Information about outages affecting your area
- How to connect with a representative if you need further information.
Outage Map Frequently Asked Questions
Click the refresh button on your browser to open the map in full-page view.
On the left side of the map, you will see a (+) and (-) button. Clicking on them will zoom in (+) or zoom out (-). With the mouse over the map, you can also use the scroll function if the mouse you are using has one.
In addition to zooming, you can hold down your mouse button and drag right, left, up or down to navigate to the exact location you want to view. You can also type your address by clicking “Search” field in top left corner of the page.
The outage information on the map is updated approximately every 15 minutes. The last update time is displayed in the top left hand corner of the page.
Yes, the outage map is available on mobile devices, including iPhones and Androids.
We currently support:
IE8 + (on Windows PCs)
Firefox 3.6 (on Windows PCs)
Safari 5 + (on Macs)
Chrome (all desktop & mobile versions)
iOS 4.6 Mobile browser+ (some features not available on all versions)
Android 2.x+ Mobile browser (some features not available on all versions)
Blackberry 6.0+ (some features not available on some/all versions) -
When you select an icon an Info box will open, an Outage ID, the number of customers impacted, start time and the estimated restoration is displayed. Other information that may be available are Job Status, Crew Status and Cause.
During a storm or other large weather event, outage maps may be updated less frequently, during specified times, or as information is made available. Because there is the potential for numerous outages, shading will be used to highlight the affected area. By choosing the Summary view, you can get specific information for your area.
When looking at the map, you may not find an outage indicated directly over your home or business when you are without power. This is because one outage on the map may represent multiple homes and businesses. The map places the outage symbol near the location of the electrical equipment where the outage originated. Think of the icon as representing the center of the outage. The outage may cover several streets or several miles. From the Location view, you can hover over the cluster of triangles to zoom to a lower level of information concerning your outage.
If there’s no outage indicated anywhere near your location, we may not know you’re without power. It’s critical that you report your outage, either by calling 1-800-436-PSEG (7734) or logging in to MyAccount. If the Outage Map indicates the outage in your area has been restored but you’re still without power, it’s critical to let us know. There could be additional damage affecting your service. -
The Outage Map is on the Google Maps platform. While Google strives to update its address database on a regular basis, some new developments may take months to show up in the maps.
The “Estimated Restoration” is the time we believe all customers will have power restored, based on the available information. When viewing the map, zoom in on outages to get specific information for each outage. If an “Estimated Restoration” is not yet available, it will say “Assessing Condition.
"Customers Affected" are the number of customers affected by a particular outage. In the summary table, "Customers Served" refers to the number of customers served by PSE&G in each county.
This is the date and time when we first learned of the outage. To report an outage, click "Report Outage" on the top of the page, or call 1-800-436-PSEG (7734).
Use the "Search" function or simply zoom in to your location of interest on the map. Select the "Bookmarks" tab in the bottom left in the menu and click “Save Current View.
You can easily report an outage using your account number, phone number, address, meter number or social security number. If you already use MyAccount, you can also log in and report an outage.
To learn more about the status of your outage, please sign up for MyAlerts by texting STAT to 47734 or log in to MyAccount.
Hover over the icon for your area to view more details about the outage, including an estimated time of restoration, if available.
This is the date and time when we first learned of the outage. To report an outage, click "Report Outage" on the top of the page, or call 1-800-436-PSEG (7734)
The "Cause" field provides the reason for an outage, if available. The most common causes of power outages are adverse weather, trees, animals and vehicle damage.
There is a Municipal page for each municipality we serve. You can get to your municipal page by selecting “Summary” and “View County-Municipality” when looking at the map in the “menu section.
On the individual municipality pages you find very specific information about PSE&G’s infrastructure and its conditions. On the top of the page under Municipal Customer/Facilities Data you find static information that PSE&G updates annually. PSE&G shows how many stations and circuits provide power to the municipality, how many miles of conductor we have in the municipality, how many poles we have in the municipality, and finally how many customers we serve in the municipality.
Municipal Outage and Damage Data is refreshed every 15 minutes, just like our map unless there are certain conditions that would extend the refresh rate. Here we show the number and the percentage of customers out based on the total customers served in the municipality. Estimated time of restoration Earliest and Latest is a range of time when your power is expected to be restored. Some outages require more time for repairs than others, depending on the quantity and severity of the outages in the municipality the Earliest and Latest could be a number of hours apart. We also provide you with the date and time of the earliest outage.
During a storm, we provide more in depth detail regarding the municipality such as the predicted number of customers restored each day until restoration is complete, number of jobs (damage locations) affecting the municipality, the number of jobs being worked that day, the number of confirmed damaged poles and trees affecting the municipality, and how many confirmed roads that are blocked by our facilities damaged in the municipality.