Prior Gas Tariffs No. 12

B.P.U.N.J. No. 12 (August 1, 2000 - January 8, 2002)

Effective 10/22/2001 BPU Order increasing the Consumer Education Program component of SBC as required by the Electric Discount and Energy Competition Act.
Effective 10/15/2001 8th revised and 9th revised sheets no. 34 pursuant to BPU Order dated November 1, 2000 incorporating revised charges reflecting an increase in commodity rates due to an increase in the market price for natural gas.
BPU approved Remediation Adjustment Charge (RAC) increase for customers receiving service under firm transportation rates: including the Societal Benefits Charge; a RAC increase included for Off-Peak Usage Charge for customers under special provision of Rate Schedules FT-RSG, FT-GS and FT-LV; and an increase to reflect the change in the Company's interruptible commodity rates (ISG and CIG/CEG) and transportation rates TSG-F and TSG-NF.
Effective 05/22/2001 BPU approved Remediation Adjustment Charge (RAC) increase for customers receiving service under firm transportation rates: including the Societal Benefits Charge; a RAC increase included for Off-Peak Usage Charge for customers under special provision of Rate Schedules FT-RSG, FT-GS and FT-LV; and an increase to reflect the change in the Company's interruptible commodity rates (ISG and CIG/CEG) and transportation rates TSG-F and TSG-NF.
Effective 05/01/2001 7th revised sheet no. 34 pursuant to BPU Order dated November 1, 2000 incorporating revised charges reflecting an increase in commodity rates due to an increase in the market price for natural gas; Revisions reflecting the annual price changes for off-peak usage; and BPU Order for Commodity Rate Schedules CS-RSG, CS-SLG, CS-CFG, and CS-UVNG which authorizes the extension of the Monthly Pricing Mechanism through July 2001.
Effective 11/01/2000 1st revised through 6th revised sheet no. 34 pursuant to BPU Order dated November 1, 2000 incorporating revised charges reflecting an increase in commodity rates due to an increase in the market price for natural gas.
Effective 10/10/2000 BPU Order requiring NJ Utilities to provide an alternate fuel certification for interruptible sales and transportation customers and to make a compliance filing to the BPU by 12/01/2000 and providing a summary of interruptible customer certifications each year. Order also requires interruptible sales and transportation customers to have alternate fuel capacity plus additional firm contractual supply arrangements equal to seven days (Interruptible Penalty).
Effective 08/01/2000
Tariff for Gas Service, B.P.U.N.J. No. 12
Issued in conformance with the BPU Order in Docket No. GO99030124 dated July 31, 2000 for PSE&G's Rate Unbundling Filings By Gas Public Utilities Pursuant to Section 10, Subsection A, of the Electric Discount and Energy Competition Act of 1999.