Prior Gas Tariffs No. 14
B.P.U.N.J. No. 14 (November 9, 2006 - July 8, 2010)
Effective 6/23/2010 | Implementation of a Tariff change effective June 23, 2010 for Board approval of a change in the Societal Benefits Charge (SBC) |
Effective 5/1/2010 | Implementation of a Tariff change effective May 1, 2010 as per Board approval of the BGSS-RSGOP applicable to Rate Schedule RSG for Off-Peak period pricing. |
Effective 1/1/2010 | Implementation of a Tariff change effective January 1, 2010 as per Board provisional approval in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Recovery Charge (RGGI) for the Carbon Abatement Program component. Furthermore, as per Board provisional approval of the second phase of the Capital Economic Stimulus Infrastructure Investment Program. |
Effective 10/12/2009 | Implementation of a Tariff change effective October 12, 2009 as per Board approval of changes to the Societal Benefits Charge (SBC), Universal Service Fund (USF) and Lifeline rate components of the SBC. |
Effective 9/16/2009 | Implementation of a Tariff change effective September 16, 2009 as per Board approval of a decrease in the BGSS Commodity Charge for Residential Gas Service Customers. |
Effective 8/3/2009 | Implementation of a Tariff change effective August 3, 2009 as per Board approval of the Manufactured Gas Plant Remediation component of the Societal Benefits Charge. |
Effective 8/1/2009 | Implementation of a Tariff change effective August 1, 2009 as per Board approval to add the Energy Efficiency Economic Stimulus Program (EEE) component to the RGGI Recovery Charge. |
Effective 5/1/2009 | Implementation of a Tariff change effective May 1, 2009 as per Board approval of the BGSS-RSGOP applicable to Rate Schedule RSG for the Off-Peak period pricing. Also the implementation of Tariff changes effective May 1, 2009 as per Board approval of the Capital Adjustment Charge (CAC). |
Effective 3/1/2009 | Implementation of Tariff changes effective March 1, 2009. This tariff change reflects a self-implementing rate decrease, in accordance with a Board Order issued in January 2003, in the BGSS Commodity Charge for Residential Gas Service Customers. |
Effective 1/1/2009 | Implementation of Tariff changes effective January 1, 2009. This tariff change reflects a self-implementing rate decrease in the BGSS Commodity Charge for Residential Gas Service Customers. Also the implementation of Tariff changes effective January 1, 2009 as per Board approval of the Carbon Abatement Program which will be recovered through a new RGGI Recovery Charge. |
Effective 12/9/2008 | Implementation of Tariff changes effective December 9, 2008 as per Board approval of an increase in the Societal Benefits Charge (SBC). |
Effective 10/24/2008 | Implementation of Tariff changes effective October 24, 2008 as per Board approval of an increase in the Societal Benefits Charge (SBC) for a change in the Universal Service Fund (USF) and Lifeline components of the SBC. |
Effective 10/3/2008 | Implementation of Tariff changes effective October 3, 2008 as per Board approval of a decrease in the Societal Benefits Charge (SBC) for a change in the Manufactured Gas Plant Remediation component of the SBC and the implementation of Tariff changes effective October 3, 2008 as per Board approval of an increase in the BGSS-RSG Commodity Charge for Residential Gas Service Customers. |
Effective 5/1/2008 | Implementation of Tariff changes effective May 1, 2008 as per Board approval of the BGSS-RSGOP applicable to Rate Schedule RSG for the Off-Peak period pricing. |
Effective 11/9/2007 | Implementation of Tariff changes effective November 9, 2007 reflecting the expiration of the Customer Account Services Charge. This charge was in effect for a twelve-month period commencing November 9, 2006. |
Effective 10/26/2007 | Implementation of Tariff changes effective October 26, 2007 as per Board approval of a decrease in the Societal Benefits Charge (SBC) for a change in the Manufactured Gas Plant Remediation components of the SBC. |
Effective 10/4/2007 | Implementation of Tariff changes effective October 4, 2007 as per Board approval of a decrease in the Societal Benefits Charge (SBC) for a change in the Universal Service Fund (USF) and Lifeline components of the SBC. |
Effective 5/1/2007 | Implementation of Tariff changes effective May 1, 2007 as per Board approval of the BGSS-RSGOP applicable to Rate Schedule RSG for the Off-Peak period pricing. |
Effective 3/9/2007 | Implementation of Tariff changes effective March 9, 2007 as per Board approval of an increase in the Societal Benefits Charge for customers served under Rate Schedule RSG, GSG, LVG, SLG, TSF-F, TSG-NF, and CIG. |
Effective 1/18/2007 | Implementation of Tariff changes effective January 18, 2007 as per Board approval of a provisional increase in the Balancing Charge for customers served under Rate Schedule RSG, GSG, and LVG. |
ORIGINAL Effective 11/9/2006 |
Tariff for Gas Service, B.P.U.N.J. No. 14 Implementation of a complete tariff for Gas Service B.P.U.N.J. 14 Gas, effective for service rendered on and after November 9, 2006 Docket No. GR05100845. This tariff reflects settlements of the Company's Gas Base Rate Case, the 2006/2007 Annual BGSS Commodity Charge Docket No. GR06050409 and the inclusion of the Customer Account Services Charge Docket No. EE04070718. |