Application Instructions

Application for Demolition

Understand each application term so you can fill out the application accurately and completely and we can accommodate your request.

Owner's Name

The project will be created in the name of the owner of the property. Contractors or other authorized agents should be identified separately. People in the process of purchasing a property do not have the authority to submit an application until after the closing has occurred. Proof of ownership is required. Acceptable forms of proof include deed, tax bill or signed closing papers.


Services cannot be disconnected while the property is occupied. Meter removal may occur quickly after application, therefore, applications will not be accepted until the premise is vacant. If PSE&G finds the property to be occupied, the project will be cancelled and the applicant will have to re-submit.

Service Address

Refers to the address at which PSE&G provided service. This is often different from the mailing address of the property in question. The service address can be found on the PSE&G bill. This is crucial in making sure service is disconnected at the correct premise.

Mailing Address

The address to which the completion letter should be mailed. The letter will always be in the name of the property owner.

Cross Street

The nearest street intersecting the road the property sits on.

Primary Residence

Select 'YES' if the building to be demolished is the applicant’s primary residence.

Project Contract

The applicant’s point of contact for property access and any other questions that may arise. This is the person who will receive the fax copy of the completion letter. Phone numbers should provide access to this contact during business hours.

Meter Numbers

These are located on the meters. Identify all gas and electric meters located on the property to be demolished. Safe access to all properties must be provided for meter removal.

Type and Number of Structures

This generally refers to PSE&G pole mounted parking lot or area lighting at commercial or industrial properties. Please note – lights attached to buildings are not the responsibility of PSE&G. If there is area lighting on the property, does it need to be removed in order to demolish the building(s)? If the removal does not have to be done for demolition, it should be created as a separate project or as part of the new construction request with the Construction Inquiry Dept. Construction Inquiry can be reached at 800.782.0067

Other Equipment

Are there any poles, transformers, or other equipment on the property that belong to PSE&G and need to be removed before demolition can occur?

Type of Electrical Service

Check 'Overhead' if there is a wire from a utility pole to the buildings to be demolished. Otherwise, check 'Underground'.

Type of Structure to be Built After Demolition

The use to which the new building will be put may affect the way services are removed for demolition. Please indicate whether a home will be built, a store, business, apartments, etc., and include the approximate timeframe for construction.