Upgrades and New Installations
Planning a Construction Project?
Learn how to apply for new gas or electric service, or how to make changes in existing service.
It is the responsibility of the customer to consult with a PSE&G representative in advance of installation (preferably at the planning stage) to determine the type of service to be supplied and to review the requirements specific to each customer's particular installation. Compliance with these requirements should help to eliminate delays in obtaining electric service and allow PSE&G to safely deliver its customer's energy needs in a timely manner.
Establish new electric or gas service or upgrade existing service by following these three steps:
- Fill out the appropriate application and find out what should happen before and after you apply (the information below provides more detail on this step).
- Schedule a mandatory local inspection to receive your Certificate of Approval (or cut-in card) prior to our scheduled service date.
- Prepare your site for installation.
Initiate new electric and/or gas service, or make changes to service for single-family or multi-family buildings (up to three residential units). |
Download the Commercial Service Application for: |
The Process
Plan in advance - Residential service requests may take up to six weeks to complete. Commercial or industrial requests may take longer. Availability of service, the acquisition of road opening permits, and municipal inspections may cause time frames to vary. Submit your completed applications as early as possible, as they are processed in the order they are received. Call to speak with a Construction Inquiry representative if you need guidance.
Read our installation requirements:
Applicants or their representatives requesting service, should be familiar with PSE&G's specific service characteristics and installation requirements.
Please make sure your site is within PSE&G's service area.
- Electric Service: PSE&G's Information & Requirements for Electric Service
- Meter Socket Adapters:
- Gas Service: Gas Appliances and Gas Piping
- Plant Engineering Policies and Procedures Manual (PEPP)
Additional Builder/Developer Resources:
- New Jersey Administrative Code: [This hyperlink is posted with the permission of CaseText]
- High Voltage Proximity Act
- Uniform Construction Code
- Department of Community Affairs
- Electric Service: PSE&G's Information & Requirements for Electric Service
To allow us to process your application quickly and efficiently, you will need:
- Approved site plans or foundation in place
- Contact information for yourself or your authorized representative
- Billing information
- Service location and use information, including pole/pad numbers (if available)
- For new electric service: load details for the new meter(s) you are requesting, including volts, amps, phase, and air conditioning load
- For electric service upgrades, moves, or splits: load details for both the existing meters and new meters, including volts, amps, and phases
- For new gas service: project start date/expected service date and load details for all meters, including required pressure
- For new service for a residential subdivision: details on the different types of units, including electric and gas load details, pressures, volts, amps, and phases
- For phased construction: number of each type of unit for each phase and timelines for each phase
Use the applications on this page to apply for:
- New or upgraded electric and/or gas service for new construction or renovations
- Requests to change from oil to gas
- Requests for temporary service
- Requests for utility pole relocation
Do NOT use the applications to apply for removal of gas or electric service prior to demolishing a structure. Municipalities will not issue a demolition permit until they receive confirmation of gas/electric removal from PSE&G. Find out how to request service removal here.
Apply for residential service - see above.
Apply for commercial service
Initiate electric or gas service changes for new or existing commercial or industrial buildings, or for multi-family buildings that have four or more meters OR for existing buildings that require new service for the first time.
Download the Commercial Electric Service Application for Existing Service
Download the Commercial Gas Service Application for Existing Service
Download the Commercial Electric Service Application for New Service
Download the Commercial Gas Service Application for New Service
We will review your request and provide a response as soon as possible. You will receive a reference number for your project. Keep this number handy, as you will need it to make inquires about your service request.
Frequently Asked Questions
See easement information below.
- Easement "How To" Guidelines
- Information Request Letter
- Partnership Grant of Easement
- Corporate Grant of Easement
- Partnership Grant of Easement: Use of Private Manholes
- Corporate Grant of Easement: Use of Private Manholes
- Partnership Grant of Easement: Relocation of Facilities
- Corporate Grant of Easement: Relocation of Facilities
- Individual Grant of Easement
- Individual Grant of Easement: Use of Private Manholes
- Individual Grant of Easement: Relocation of Facilities
For New Jersey rules governing residential Buried Underground Distribution (BUD), please see the our Regulatory information page.
Our representatives can also answer questions about:
- Scheduled service outages
- Close proximity and crane work
Email: ConstructionNorth@pseg.com
In northern counties, call 1-800-722-0256, Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Fax completed applications to 1-973-643-6063.
Download the Commercial Electric Service Application for Existing Service
Download the Commercial Gas Service Application for Existing Service
Download the Commercial Electric Service Application for New Service
Download the Commercial Gas Service Application for New Service
Link to Free Energy Webinars
Additional Builder/Developer Resources:
- New Jersey Administrative Code: This hyperlink is posted with the permission of CaseText.
- High Voltage Proximity Act
- Uniform Construction Code
- Department of Community Affairs
- New Jersey Administrative Code: This hyperlink is posted with the permission of CaseText.
Movie Production Studio Information
If you are a movie production studio in need of PSE&G’s assistance to redcap or disconnect service for street lights, you are required to fill out the Film Industry/Movie Production Studio Information for Street Lights application for each set location. In addition to the completed applications, the production company must provide:
- Scheduled service outages.
- Proof of insurance.
- Letter of authorization from municipality.
- Customer to be billed.
- Letter holding PSE&G harmless during the filming.
- PSE&G must be notified at least 30 (thirty) days prior to the street light disconnect date.
- PSE&G requires the pole numbers of the lights that the customer wants disconnected/reconnected for the movie shoot. If pole numbers are not available, the nearest address will be helpful.
- PSE&G must research who is paying for the lights and then forward the information to the customer so the customer can provide a letter from the billing parties authorizing the disconnects/reconnects.
- PSE&G also needs to schedule lamp inspectors to be onsite to perform the work, calculate the costs and create an invoice.
- PSE&G will schedule the work after the payment is received.