Prior Electric Tariffs No.17

B.P.U.N.J. No. 17 (October 15, 2024 - present)

Effective 02/15/2025 Implementation of a Tariff change effective on and after February 15, 2025, reflecting Board approval of changes to the Manufactured Gas Plant Remediation Adjustment Charge (RAC 30) and to the Zero Emission Certificate Recovery Charge (ZECRC).
Effective 01/01/2025 Implementation of Tariff changes effective as of January 1, 2025 for a change to the Green Programs Recovery Charge (GPRC), for approval of the Clean Energy Future-Energy Efficiency II (CEF-EE II) Program
Effective 11/07/2024 Implementation of a Tariff change effective November 7, 2024 correcting Baseline Revenue per Customer under the Conservation Incentive Program.
ORIGINAL Effective 10/15/2024 Tariff for Electric Service, B.P.U.N.J. No. 17
Implementation of Tariff changes effective on and after October 15, 2024, as per Board approval of the Electric and Gas Rate Case in Docket Nos. ER23120924 and GR23120925, reflecting changes to base rates and depreciation rates; and the flow back of certain tax benefits.