Effective 1/1/2003 |
Changes in electric rate components associated with the Rate Unbundling, Stranded Cost and Restructuring Filings and the Bondable Stranded Cost Rate order. |
Effective 10/1/2002 |
Implementation of a pilot program for an expanded Area Development Service (ADS) for the City of Camden waterfront area (Camden ADS Pilot Program). |
Effective 8/1/2002 |
Increase the Restructuring Rate Reduction (RRR) from 9% to an average of 13.67%. |
Effective 1/1/2002 |
Changes in electric rate components associated with the Rate Unbundling, Stranded Cost and Restructuring Filings and the Bondable Stranded Cost Rate Order. |
Effective 10/24/2001 |
Standard Terms & Conditions changes consistent with Third Party Supplier Customer Account Master Service Agreement as approved by the Board on recommendations of the Board established Customer Account Services Implementation Working Group. |
Effective 8/1/2001 |
Increase in the Restructuring Rate Reduction (RRR) from 7% to 9%. |
Effective 7/18/2001 |
The Standard Terms & Conditions section of the Tariff was change to incorporate a new section on Net Metering. |
Effective 2/7/2001 |
Changes to the electric tariff incorporating rate components associated with the Rate Unbundling, Stranded Cost, and Restructuring Filings, and the Bondable Stranded Cost Rate order and which provide an additional 2% increase in the Restructuring Rate Reduction. |
Effective 1/1/2001 |
Changes incorporating electric rate components associated with the Energy Master Plan which affect the Price to Compare. |
Effective 5/25/2000 |
Changes in the Electric Tariff for the replacement of the existing experimental Curtailable Electric Service (CES) Special Provision to eliminate provision for an additional end of season payment in the event that the curtailment occurred on the day of system peak. This Tariff change was necessitated by changes initiated by the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Office of Interconnection (PJM) since a single peak-day value is no longer used to establish system and/or customer peak-day obligations. |
Effective 1/1/2000 |
Decrease in the Transitional Energy Facility Assessment (TEFA) Unit Tax as a result of Energy Tax Reform legislation enacted July 14, 1997 as P.L. 1997 c. 162 and changes in electric rate components associated with the Energy Master Plan which affects the Price to Compare. |
ORIGINAL Effective 8/1/1999 |
Tariff for Electric Service, B.P.U.N.J. No. 13
Issued in conformance with the BPU Order in Docket Nos. EO97070461, EO97070462 and EO97070463 for PSE&G’s Rate Unbundling, Stranded Costs and Restructuring Filings. |