Basic Generation Service (BGS) Pricing Tariff Sheets on and after June 1, 2024

In connection with the 2024 Basic Generation Service (BGS) Auction and as filed with the Board of Public Utilities (BPU) on May 24, 2024 and May 29, 2024, the following tariff sheets include the Auction results approved by the BPU for related supply charges. These tariff sheets are effective on and after June 1, 2024.

Rates Effective on and after June 1, 2024

Sixth Revised Sheet No. 2 Table of Contents
Fifteenth Revised Sheet No. 75 Basic Generation Service – Residential Small Commercial Pricing (BGS-RSCP) Electric Supply Charges
Seventeenth Revised Sheet No. 76 Basic Generation Service – Residential Small Commercial Pricing (BGS-RSCP) Electric Supply Charges (Continued)
Twenty-fifth Revised Sheet No. 79 Basic Generation Service – Residential Small Commercial Pricing (BGS-RSCP) Electric Supply Charges (Continued)
First Revised Sheet No. 80 Basic Generation Service – Residential Small Commercial Pricing (BGS-RSCP) Electric Supply Charges (Continued)
Seventh Revised Sheet No. 82 Basic Generation Service – Commercial And Industrial Energy Pricing (CIEP) Electric Supply Charges

Rates Effective on and after November 1, 2018

Tariff Sheet No. 73 was filed with the BPU on October 30, 2018 and includes the current BPU approved Commercial and Industrial Energy Pricing Standby Fee. This tariff sheet has been effective as of November 1, 2018.

Original Sheet No. 73 Commercial And Industrial Energy Pricing (CIEP) Standby Fee

Rates Effective on and after June 1, 2024

Tariff Sheet No. 83 was filed with the BPU on June 21, 2024 and includes the current FERC approved transmission related charges. This tariff sheet is effective on and after June 1, 2024.

Seventeenth Revised Sheet No. 83 Basic Generation Service – Commercial And Industrial Energy Pricing (CIEP) Electric Supply Charges (Continued)

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