Letter Library
PSE&G is accelerating the modernization of its aging gas pipes in order to ensure the utility can continue to support a safe and reliable gas system well into the future. Below features letters that you may receive before, during and after the construction and restoration work. Please visit us at pseg.com/gaswork and find the name of your municipality to learn more about the work, the timeframe and a list of streets.
Customer Letter
This letter explains the process by which crews will replace the gas main in the roadway, the individual service lines to every home and business, access and relocation of the gas meter and restoration.End of Construction Letter
This letter confirms that all construction work has been completed and to anticipate roadway restoration in the near future.Paving Letter
This letter announces the upcoming roadway restoration and provides a list of impacted streets.Gas Pressure Increase Letter
This letters explains the process by which PSE&G technicians will increase the gas pressure in the gas main and the individual service lines.Service Notification Hanger
This hanger requests access to the gas meter in order to complete the service replacement as well as relocation of the gas meter to the outside of the home or business. -
Carta del cliente
Esta carta explica el proceso mediante el cual las cuadrillas reemplazarán la tubería principal de gas en la carretera, las líneas de servicio individuales a cada hogar y negocio, el acceso y la reubicación del medidor de gas y la restauración.Carta de fin de construcción
Esta carta confirma que todos los trabajos de construcción se han completado y para anticipar la restauración de carreteras en un futuro próximo.Notificación sobre
Esta carta anuncia la próxima restauración de la carretera y proporciona una lista de calles afectadas.Carta de aumento de presión de gas
Estas cartas explican el proceso mediante el cual los técnicos de PSE&G aumentarán la presión de gas en la tubería de gas principal y en las líneas de servicio individuales.Servicio de suspensión de notificaciones
Este colgador solicita acceso al medidor de gas para completar el reemplazo del servicio, así como la reubicación del medidor de gas al exterior de la casa o negocio. -
고객 편지
이 서한은 승무원이 도로의 주유소, 모든 가정 및 사업장에 대한 개별 서비스 라인, 가스 계량기의 접근 및 재배치 및 복원 절차를 설명합니다.건축 끝 편지
이 서한은 모든 건설 작업이 완료되었으며 가까운 시일 내에 도로 복원이 예상됨을 확인합니다.가스 압력 증가 편지
이 서한은 다가오는 도로 복구를 발표하고 영향을받은 거리 목록을 제공합니다.편지 업그레이드
이 서한은 PSE & G 기술자가 가스 메인 및 개별 서비스 라인에서 가스 압력을 높이는 프로세스를 설명합니다. -
Carta do Cliente
Esta carta explica o processo pelo qual as equipes substituem o cano principal de gás na estrada, as linhas de serviço individuais para todas as residências e empresas, acesso e realocação do medidor de gás e restauração.Carta de fim de construção
Esta carta confirma que todos os trabalhos de construção foram concluídos e para antecipar a restauração da estrada em um futuro próximo.Notificação de Pavimentação
Esta carta anuncia a próxima restauração de estradas e fornece uma lista de ruas impactadas. -
رسالة العملاء
تشرح هذه الرسالة العملية التي ستحل بها الأطقم محل الغاز الرئيسي في الطريق ، وخطوط الخدمة الفردية لكل منزل وأعمال ، والوصول إلى عداد الغاز وإعادة ترميمه ونقلهنهاية خطاب البناء
تؤكد هذه الرسالة أن جميع أعمال البناء قد اكتملت وتوقع ترميم الطرق في المستقبل القريب.رسالة الرصف
Tتعلن هذه الرسالة عن عملية ترميم الطرق القادمة وتوفر قائمة بالشوارع المتأثرة..