Regulatory Filings & Postings

Below you will find information on utility regulatory filings and upcoming public hearings. These hearings provide an opportunity for the public to make their voices heard.  Customer comments are included in the court record and considered by the Board of Public Utilities (BPU) when it makes decisions on utility requests and rate cases.

For more information about New Jersey utility rates and rate cases, please visit the Board of Public Utilities website. Copies of these filings are also provided to the New Jersey Division of Rate Counsel, a state agency that represents the interests of ratepayers in matters before the BPU.


PSE&G Public Hearing Notices:

Current Notices:

Clean Energy Future – Energy Efficiency II (CEF-EE II) Filing

Notice of Telephonic Hearings – May 30, 2024. BPU Docket No. QO23120874.



Prior Notices:

PSE&G Infrastructure Advancement Program (IAP) Filing

Notice of Telephonic Hearings – April 29, 2024. BPU Docket No. ER23110783.


2023 Electric and Gas Rate Case Filings

Notice of Telephonic Hearings – May 13, 2024. BPU Docket Nos. ER23120924 & GR23120925.


2023 Green Programs Recovery Charge (GPRC) Filing

Notice of Telephonic Hearings – March 13, 2024. BPU Docket Nos. ER23070423 & GR23070424.


Clean Energy Future – Energy Efficiency Extension 2 (CEF-EE Ext 2) Filing

Notice of Telephonic Hearings – March 13, 2024. BPU Docket Nos. GO18101112 and EO18101113.


2024 Energy Strong II Program (ES II) Filing

Notice of Telephonic Hearings – March 12, 2024. BPU Docket No. ER23110784.


PSE&G Infrastructure Advancement Program (IAP) Filing

Notice of Telephonic Hearings – March 12, 2024. BPU Docket No. ER23110783.


2024 Basic Generation Service (BGS) Auction Filing

Notice of Telephonic Hearings – September 18, 2023BPU Docket No. ER23030124.


2023 PSE&G Gas System Modernization Program (GSMP III) Filing

Notice of Telephonic Hearings – July 31, 2023. BPU Docket No. GR23030102.


2023 PSE&G Electric and Gas Societal Benefits Charge (SBC) Filing

Notice of Telephonic Hearings – June 14, 2023. BPU Docket Nos. GR23010009 & ER23010010.


PSE&G Manufactured Gas Plant Remediation Component Charge (RAC 30) Filing

Notice of Telephonic Hearings – April 4, 2023. BPU Docket No. GR23010050.


Clean Energy Future – Energy Efficiency (CEF-EE) Filing

Notice of Telephonic Hearings – November 16, 2022. BPU Docket Nos. GO18101112 and EO18101113.


PSE&G Infrastructure Advancement (IAP) Program Filing

Notice of Telephonic Hearings - May 5, 2022. BPU Docket Nos. EO21111211 and GO21111212.


PSE&G Clean Energy Future - Energy Cloud (CEF-EC) Program Filing


Notice of Telephonic Hearings - October 7 & 8, 2020. BPU Docket No. EO18101115.



PSE&G Filings:


PSE&G 2024 Green Programs Recovery Charge (GPRC) Filing

In The Matter of the Petition of Public Service Electric and Gas Company for Approval of Changes in its Electric Green Programs Recovery Charge and its Gas Green Programs Recovery Charge “2024 PSE&G Green Programs Cost Recovery Filing”. BPU Docket Nos. ER24070484 & GR24070490. Filed June 28, 2024.


PSE&G 2024 Universal Service Fund (USF) Filing

In the Matter of the 2024/2025 Annual Compliance Filings for the Universal Service Fund ("USF") Program Factor within the Societal Benefits Charge Rate. BPU Docket No. ER24070486. Filed June 28, 2024.


PSE&G 2024 Solar Pilot Recovery Charge (SPRC) Filing

In The Matter of the Petition of Public Service Electric and Gas Company for Approval of Changes in its Electric Solar Pilot Recovery Charge (“SPRC”) for its Solar Loan I Program. BPU Docket No. ER24060483. Filed June 26, 2024.


PSE&G Gas Conservation Incentive Program (GCIP) Filing

In the Matter of the Petition of Public Service Electric and Gas Company for Approval of Changes in its Gas Conservation Incentive Program (2024 PSE&G Gas Conservation Incentive Program Rate Filing). BPU Docket No. GR24060369. Filed May 31, 2024.


2024 Annual Margin Adjustment Charge (MAC) Filing

In the Matter of the Petition of Public Service Electric and Gas Company’s 2024 Annual Margin Adjustment Charge (“MAC”). BPU Docket No. GR24060375. Filed May 31, 2024.


PSE&G 2024/2025 BGSS-RSG and Balancing Filing

In the Matter of Public Service Electric and Gas Company’s 2024/2025 Annual BGSS Commodity Charge Filing for its Residential Gas Customers Under its Periodic Pricing Mechanism and for Changes in its Balancing Charge. BPU Docket No. GR24050364. Filed May 31, 2024.


PSE&G Gas and Electric Distribution Rate Case Filing

In The Matter Of The Petition Of Public Service Electric And Gas Company For Approval Of An Increase In Electric And Gas Rates And For Changes In The Tariffs For Electric and Gas Service, B.P.U.N.J. No. 17 Electric and B.P.U.N.J. No. 17 Gas, and for Changes in Depreciation Rates, Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 48:2-18, N.J.S.A. 48:2-21 and N.J.S.A. 48:2-21.1, and for Other Appropriate Relief. BPU Docket Nos. ER23120924 and GR23120925. Filed December 29, 2023.


Clean Energy Future – Energy Efficiency II (CEF-EE II) Filing

In the Matter of the Petition of Public Service Electric and Gas Company for Approval of Its Clean Energy Future-Energy Efficiency II (“CEF-EE II”) Program on a Regulated Basis. BPU Docket No. QO23120874. Filed December 1, 2023.


Clean Energy Future – Energy Efficiency Extension 2 (CEF-EE Ext 2) Filing

In the Matter of the Petition of Public Service Electric and Gas Company for Approval of its Clean Energy Future - Energy Efficiency Extension 2 (“CEF-EE Ext 2”) Program on a Regulated Basis. BPU Docket Nos. GO18101112 and EO18101113. Filed November 9, 2023.  


PSE&G Infrastructure Advancement Program (IAP) Filing

In the Matter of the Petition of Public Service Electric and Gas Company for Approval of Electric Rate Adjustments Pursuant to the Infrastructure Advancement Program (IAP). BPU Docket No. ER23110783. Filed November 1, 2023. 


2024 Energy Strong II Program (ES II) Filing

In the Matter of the Petition of Public Service Electric and Gas Company for Approval of Electric Rate Adjustments Pursuant to the Energy Strong II Program. BPU Docket No. ER23110784. Filed November 1, 2023. 


 PSE&G COVID-19 Cost Recovery Charge Filing

In the Matter of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and In the Matter of the Petition of Public Service Electric and Gas Company for Approval of Incremental COVID-19 Costs for Recovery Through a New Special-Purpose Clause, and for Authorization to Recover Uncollectible Costs for Gas Through the Societal Benefits Charge. BPU Docket Nos. AO20060471 & GR23070448. Filed July 17, 2023.


2024 Basic Generation Service (BGS) Auction Filing

In the Matter of the Provision of Basic Generation Service (BGS) for Basic Generation Service Requirements Effective June 1, 2024. BPU Docket No. ER23030124. Filed July 3, 2023.

Additional information related to the BGS Auction Process is available at:


2023 PSE&G Green Programs Cost Recovery Charge (GPRC) Filing

In the Matter of the Petition of Public Service Electric and Gas Company for Approval of Changes in its Electric Green Programs Recovery Charge and its Gas Green Programs Recovery Charge.”2023 PSE&G Green Programs Cost Recovery Filing”. BPU Docket Nos. ER23070423 & GR23070424. Filed June 30, 2023.


 2023 Annual Margin Adjustment Charge (MAC) Filing

In the Matter of the Petition of Public Service Electric and Gas Company’s 2023 Annual Margin Adjustment Charge (“MAC”). BPU Docket No. GR23060330Filed June 1, 2023.


PSE&G Basic Generation Service – Time-of-Use Rates for Residential Electric Vehicle Customers Filing

In the Matter of the Petition of Public Service Electric and Gas Company Requesting Approval of a Tariff Amendment to Add Basic Generation Service (BGS) Time-of-Use Rates for Eligible Residential Electric Vehicle Customers Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 14:1-5.11 and N.J.A.C. 14:3-1.3. BPU Docket No. ER23030131. Filed March 8, 2023.  


2023 PSE&G Gas System Modernization Program (GSMP III) Filing

In the Matter of the Petition of Public Service Electric and Gas Company for Approval of the Next Phase of the Gas System Modernization Program and Associated Cost Recovery Mechanism (“GSMP III”). BPU Docket No. GR23030102. Filed March 1, 2023.  


PSE&G Manufactured Gas Plant Remediation Component Charge (RAC 30) Filing

In the Matter of the Petition of Public Service Electric and Gas Company to Modify Its Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) Remediation Component Within Its Electric Societal Benefits Charge (SBC) and Its Gas SBC; During the Remediation Adjustment Charge (RAC) 30 Period, August 1, 2021 to July 31, 2022. BPU Docket No. GR23010050. Filed January 26, 2023.


2023 PSE&G Electric and Gas Societal Benefits Charge (SBC) Filing

In the Matter of the Petition of Public Service Electric and Gas Company for Approval of Changes in its Electric and Gas Societal Benefits Charge Rates. BPU Docket Nos. GR23010009 and ER23010010. Filed January 9, 2023.  


Clean Energy Future – Energy Efficiency (CEF-EE) Filing

In the Matter of the Petition of Public Service Electric and Gas Company for Approval of its Clean Energy Future - Energy Efficiency (“CEF-EE”) Program on a Regulated Basis. BPU Docket Nos. GO18101112 and EO18101113Filed September 20, 2022.  


PSE&G Infrastructure Advancement Program (IAP) Filing

In the Matter of the Petition of Public Service Electric and Gas Company for Approval of an Infrastructure Advancement Program (IAP) Filing. BPU Docket Nos. EO21111211 and GO21111212. Filed November 4, 2021. 


Clean Energy Future - Energy Cloud (CEF-EC) Program Filing

In the Matter of the Petition of Public Service Electric and Gas Company for Approval of its Clean Energy Future-Energy Cloud (“CEF-EC”) Program on a regulated basis. BPU Docket No.EO18101115. Filed October 11, 2018.

Updated SchedulesFiled April 1, 2020.

PSE&G Rebuttal Testimony Cover Letterr – Filed October 5, 2020.

PSE&G Rebuttal Testimony of Frederick Daum & Gregg Edeson Filed October 5, 2020.

PSE&G Rebuttal Testimony of Stephen SwetzFiled October 5, 2020.

PSE&G Rebuttal Testimony of Terrence J. MoranFiled October 5, 2020.

PSE&G Rebuttal Testimony of Ann E. BulkleyFiled October 5, 2020.

PSE&G Rebuttal Testimony Service List – Filed October 5, 2020.


NJ BPU Postings:

Investigation of Resource Alternatives - BPU Docket No. EO20030203

Order Initiating Proceeding Filed March 27, 2020.

Request for Written Comments Filed March 27, 2020.


Certain Non-Refundable Payments Customers Made for Main Extensions

Please take notice that the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) issued an Order dated July 19, 2013 in Docket No. AX12070601 concerning certain non-refundable payments customers made for main extensions in locations that had previously been determined in BPU regulations to be Areas Not Designated for Growth. Those regulations have been overturned and certain customers may be entitled to a return of part of or the entire amount paid towards the construction of facilities to provide electric and natural gas service, known as contributions, when certain criteria are met. Read the full notice.